Why a Faith-Based LGBT Asylum Initiative?

Transgender and same-gender-loving (lesbian, gay, bisexual) asylum seekers who reach the U.S. are typically traumatized, unable to access support from their country(wo)men in the U.S., and unable to work, while their asylum case is being heard. While they pursue asylum, they struggle to meet basic needs, such as  housing, food, clothing, transportation, and services (faith communities, health care, psychological care).

The basic needs of these asylum seekers are typically not able to be met by legal aid providers working on their asylum case. National LGBT advocacy groups are often no better equipped to provide direct service.  There is a great opportunity for LGBT-friendly congregations to be of concrete support in local areas.

Religious bigotry exported from the U.S around the world creates the conditions whereby transgender and same-gender-loving lives are threatened. American religious institutions are also uniquely positioned to support transgender and same-gender-loving asylum seekers, not only with with caring resources, but with an affirming community of support that can stand in contrast to experiences in their country of origin.

Many LGBT friendly congregations also have commitments to support political refugees (Sanctuary Movement) and/or immigrants (New Sanctuary Movement). Yet these communities are not automatically activated to address the life-threatening challenges faced by LGBT asylum seekers.

The Faith-Based LGBT Asylum Initiative seeks to…

  • Create a network of solidarity and support among between faith communities who are already working with transgender and/or same-gender-loving asylum seekers
  • Raise awareness among local congregations about the plight of transgender and same-gender-loving asylum seekers
  • Provide knowledge and resources for congregations that may be open to working with or beginning to work with  transgender and/or same-gender-loving asylum seekers
  • Help equip activists working with transgender and/or same-gender-loving asylum seekers to connect with relevant faith communities

About Mx Chris Paige

Mx Chris Paige is an OtherWise identified creative, coach, and student of Life
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